Vehicle Restraint Prevents Drive Aways

March 4, 2013

Industrial safety specialist Castell’s interlocking wheel chock, Salvo™ Chock is specifically designed for restraint of straight trucks and other vehicles that cannot be locked out with a Salvo glad hand lock. Ideal for demanding loading yard conditions, the chock is light, strong, easy to use and fast to maneuver. The Salvo system restrains vehicles at loading docks during loading or unloading. Its technology uses safety interlocking to eliminate human error and enforce safety procedures. 

If the Salvo Chock is not properly fitted, the loading dock door cannot be opened. Drivers position the chock and clamp the two halves together around the wheel using a convenient foot pedal, releasing the trapped key. The key is then transferred to the loading dock control panel, allowing the loader inside the warehouse to open the door and begin safely loading or unloading. To remove Salvo Chock, the loader must first close the loading dock door. The driver can then remove the key from the control panel and return it to the chock. Inserting the key unlocks the chock and traps the key until it is again properly fitted on a tire.

  • fast to maneuver
  • restrains vehicles at loading docks

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