We're overusing the earth's finite resources, and yet excessive consumption is failing to improve our lives. In Enough is Enough, authors lay out a visionary but realistic alternative to the perpetual pursuit of economic growth—an economy where the goal is enough, not more.

The numbers tell the story:

  • 7 billion people live on earth, and 2.7 billion are scraping by on less than $2 per day
  • 394 parts per million is the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, an amount that threatens to destabilize the global climate
  • $15 trillion is the amount of U.S. public debt, an unfathomable sum of money to be paid back by the next generation
  • 2 percent of adults own more than half of all household wealth in the world
  • 400 ocean zones devoid of life, with the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico estimated to cover almost as much as the state of New Jersey