Motor Controlling Amplifier

July 9, 2018
Galil's slave drive is a motor amplifier that operates in an EtherCAT distributed system.

EDD-3701x EtherCAT slave drive is a motor amplifier that operates in an EtherCAT distributed system where there are up to 32 slave drives and one master. It has a daisy chain topology using standard CAT5 Ethernet cables. It can interface with Galil masters (DMC-500x0 and DMC-52xx0) for sophisticated applications or with TwinCAT for very simple applications.


The series can control brushed, brushless, steppers, and microstepping motors. Unlike the competition, the EDD-3701x can both control a motor and has 8 digital inputs, 4 digital outputs, 2 analog inputs, and 2 analog outputs. All I/O information from these drives are accessible by the EtherCAT master. This capability can eliminate the need for separate EtherCAT I/O devices.