Maskote Zinc Stop-Off Prevents Zinc-Steel Alloying

Nov. 18, 2016
A simple aerosol application of Maskote Zinc Stop-Off to steel parts can easily mask off the coated areas to prevent zinc-steel alloying.

A simple aerosol application of Maskote Zinc Stop-Off to steel parts can easily mask off the coated areas to prevent zinc-steel alloying. This solvent-based paint has proven to be the go-to product for masking and preventing galvanizing in unwanted areas, such as threads, weld areas, and joints.

  • Convenient solvent-based aerosol spray can
  • Stops galvanizing in unwanted areas
  • No mess or cleaning after use
  • Takes alkaline and acidic baths as well as molten zinc
  • Ideal for threads, joints, and weld areas
  • Post galvanizing: remove with mechanical means
  • Applied at room temp, dried with no cure required, then ready to use