Preserve and Protect Metals at All Times

June 16, 2020

Whether the metal is stored in flat sheets, rebar, girts, purlins or fasteners, HinderRUST provides a long-lasting boundary film between metal and moisture. HinderRUST is easily applied by sprayers, aerosols, rollers or brushes and can be applied at any stage of construction.

Fluoramics offers three versions of HinderRUST:

  • R2.0, which is a short-term, removable version that is ideal for metal parts that are manufactured and waiting to go into service, or that will need to be painted;
  • S4.0 is the standard version for use on metals under cover and is perfect for equipment maintenance, electronics protection and pre-assembly protection. S4.0 is also weld-through approved; and
  • HV100, a heavy-duty version for extreme weather conditions. It will thicken over time and provide a thin wax-like barrier of added protection.


As an added benefit, HinderRUST lubricates while it protects against corrosion. That means nuts/bolts, anchor bolts, and other hardware remain workable while waiting to be installed. Hinder RUST is a translucent tan liquid with a mild petroleum odor. It is solvent-free which means it is safe for users, non-flammable, and can be used in confined spaces.

R2.0: The Temporary Rust Protector

  • Machined parts
  • Castings
  • Stampings


S4.0: The Lubricating Rust Stopper

  • Equipment maintenance
  • Battery terminals and electronics
  • Frees up frozen joints and fasteners
  • Apply pre-assembly to stop corrosion
  • Tools and weapons protection
  • Protect and lubricate wire rope cables
  • Weld-through approved


HV100: The Long Term Rust Shield

  • Undercoating on vehicles, excavation, earthmoving, and industrial equipment
  • Protection in extreme weather conditions