Pocket-Size Bluetooth 2-D Barcode Scanner

Sept. 23, 2014

DENSO ADC, the Americas sales arm of DENSO Wave Incorporated, announces a new SE1-QB Bluetooth® wireless 2-D barcode scanner. The lightweight yet durably built SE1-QB measures only 3.9 inches long, 1.6 inches wide and 1.1 inches thick, and weighs only 2.1 ounces. The device is designed to serve as the front end of a mobile data?capture system consisting of a scanner and host smartphone or tablet. “The trend toward mobility keeps accelerating,” said Fran Labun, vice president, Sales Group, DENSO Products and Services Americas, Inc. “Our new SE1-QB scanner gives users a fast, reliable way of scanning codes and sending the data to a mobile device.” The SE1-QB can read 2-D or 1-D barcodes displayed on LCD screens of mobile devices or printed on paper. Two AA batteries provide up to 50 hours of operating time. A one-touch button conveniently opens up a virtual keyboard on iOS devices.

  • weighs only 2.1 ounces
  • can read 2-D or 1-D barcodes