Dock Safety Gate

Sept. 17, 2014

FabEnCo announces that the company has developed a Dock Gate that will be added to its full line of safety products. The new OSHA-compliant gate provides fall protection from loading docks.“Our custom gas struts make the gate especially easy to operate—it’s almost effortless. You can easily open and close the gate with one hand,” states Scott Friedman, Sales Manager, FabEnCo.

“You also don’t have to worry about the gate falling on workers as the struts hold the gate open during deliveries and shipments.”Made of carbon steel with a safety yellow powder coat finish, the loading dock gate will initially be offered in two models, widths of 8 and 10 feet.

  • widths of 8 and 10 feet
  • OSHA-compliant
  • provides fall protection