TidyPen Adhesives & Coatings Remover

Oct. 23, 2014

Microcare's TidyPen is considered a 'must have' time-saver for electronics manufacturers, repair shops, medical facilities, and more.


The cleaning fluid is safe to use on glass, ceramics, white metals, rubber, plastics, and gaskets as well as other construction materials used on PCBs. Furthermore, it's environmentally friendly, having low organic (VOC) content, as well as REACH compliant. Another key benefit of the is its ability to dispense the cleaning fluid more quickly—speeding up cleaning and boosting operator productivity. 


The TidyPen is an excellent remover of silicone coatings and provides effective cleaning of almost anything sticky—from tapes, labels, and glues, to fluxes, inks, and conformal coatings.
