PolyJet-Based 3D Printers

Nov. 5, 2014

The new Objet Eden260VS adds the first soluble support removal process for PolyJet technology. Soluble support technology allows users to create delicate, more finely-detailed models with small cavities. Additional benefits include automated support removal, which is expected to enable businesses to enjoy lower costs per part during removal of rigid materials. The new SUP707 soluble support capability works in conjunction with Stratasys’ VeroGray, VeroBlue, VeroClear, and VeroWhitePlus materials. For complete flexibility when the need arises, water jet-removable support can be used with these as well as other materials such as elastomers. 

These attributes ensure that the Objet Eden260VS meets the application needs of a wide range of users such as consumer-good designers, research centers and service bureaus, requiring cost-effective prototyping and assembled parts with fine features. The new Objet Eden260VS permits users entry to mid-sized, high-quality precision prototyping by offering ultrafine 16-micron layers for exceptional detail, complex geometries and very thin walls. The Eden260VS is also compatible with a range of 14 materials, including specialized options for medical applications. The build size is 10 in. x 9.9 in. x 7.9 in. (255mm x 252mm x 200mm).

  • build size is 10 in. x 9.9 in. x 7.9 in. 
  • soluble support technology
  • ultrafine 16-micron layers