Next-Generation Gas Flowmeters

Sept. 5, 2019

TSI’s 5000 Series Flowmeters provide features never before seen in a flow meter: multiple integrated measurements, flexible and lightweight design, bi-directional flow sensing, color touchscreen display, configurable tube ends, and more. The 5000 Series line offers a mix of models with varying features and functionality.


Integrated Measurements

Advanced models of TSI’s new flowmeter line can integrate five different sensors into a single, compact device. These flowmeters can simultaneously measure mass and volumetric flow rates, absolute pressure, temperature, volume, differential pressure, and humidity. This means users no longer need to purchase and maintain separate instruments to make the measurements they need.


Advanced Functionality

Some models of TSI’s new flowmeters provide advanced functionality such as integrated volume measurements, increased flow accuracy (1.5% of reading), built-in data logging, and humidity compensated flow measurements. All data is also automatically synced together, eliminating the time-consuming process of manually combining data sets.


Flexible Operation

All 5000 Series Flowmeter models have customizable tube ends – the user can simply swap out the tube end size for another size to fit a different application. Users will no longer need to buy separate meters for different tube end sizes. Along with the configurable tube ends, TSI’s new flow meter has multiple mounting options, and the device is light enough to hang vertically.


Depending on how the user prefers to see their data, they can view readings, configure measurements, adjust device settings, and log data directly from the meter. Or, they can hook the flow meter up to a computer and see it using the basic or advanced FLO-Sight PC software. The basic software comes with all flowmeters; the advanced software unlocks additional functionality.


TSI Flow Sensing Technology

TSI’s thermal mass flowmeters incorporate a proprietary platinum thin-film sensor. This sensor design is optimized for measuring gas flows in applications demanding fast response, low-pressure drop, and high accuracy over a wide flow range.