AWARE Proximity Warning System for Forklift Safety

Sept. 7, 2021
The ultra wide band proximity warning system from Access Control Group helps workers increase safety through wearable sensors to avoid collisions.

Helping companies protect their employees' safety, AWARE is an Ultra Wide Band (UWB) based proximity system that measures the distance between moving objects and alerts both operators and pedestrians of approaching equipment—penetrating through most obstacles and around blind corners.


AWARE was designed to operate for the safety of pedestrians and mobile assets in material handling, maritime, and distribution center industries. But unlike other collision avoidance systems, it's an option that can be added to Access Control Group's telematics solution—“Advanced”—to avoid managing multiple gadgets and higher costs.


When a wearable tag or equipment comes within the range of other equipment, an audible and visual alarm indicator warns the operator. AWARE offers 2 settings: Alert and Alarm. The wearable tag is operated by a rechargeable battery that can last up to three weeks and is compatible with wireless charging.


After the initial installation, the range settings can be adjusted to meet any specific requirements.