Model 360 Automated Bottle Packer/Unpacker

Sept. 25, 2015

Model 360 Bottle Unpacker and Packer performs both uncasing and case packing with every motion of the servo-operated robotic-style transfer head. It eliminates manual labor, provides gentle handling, and ensures a consistent bottle feed to the production line–at a conservative cost.


The cases filled with empty bottles are fed on a conveyor to the Model 360. Then the unpacking head grips and lifts the empty bottles and places them on the conveyor to be transferred to filling, while the packing head picks up and packs finished bottles feeding from the production line into the emptied case. The servo-operated transfer head smoothly and efficiently carries containers with no drop and keeps them under complete control during operation—bottles are released only when they reach the bottom of the case during packing, or the conveyor for unpacking.

  • Compact design saves floor space and offers easy installation
  • Run a variety of glass and plastic containers
  • No-drop handling protects container and label integrity
  • Electrical: Primary 460V, 60 Hz, NEMA 12
  • Air: 7 scfm per case at 75 psi
  • Solid state proximity sensors with quick-disconnect fittings
  • Photo eyes with background suppression
  • Elevated beacon fault light
  • Heavy gauge steel frame construction
  • SEW Eurodrive motor for main horizontal movement
  • Allen Bradley servo motor for vertical head movement
  • Intelligent control (PLC) of all machine functions
  • Simultaneous decasing and case packing with every cycle
  • Automatic case feed and indexing to uncasing and case packing stations
  • Color touchscreen control panel
  • Variety of container handling options: pneumatic, vacuum or mechanical grippers, depending on product characteristics