Zoom Lens for Microscopes

Sept. 16, 2015

The MicroMate 3X Zoom lens system was designed to capture and process four times as much data when compared to a traditional optical system.

The system images onto a 4/3-in. sensor and retains the same pixel resolution across the entire field, with diagonals up to 22.5mm with no vignetting. It can be combined with any infinity corrected microscope objectives to achieve magnifications from 1X up to 150X. With a large field of view and fixed pupil position, the lens offers a fixed N.A. over the entire zoom range. The modular design and superb optical quality make it ideal for both industrial and life science applications. 

  • Processes four times as much data as traditional optical systems
  • Images onto a 4/3-in. sensor
  • Achieve magnifications from 1X up to 150X (when combined with infinity corrected microscope objectives)