Benefits of Single-Piece Suction Cups

Oct. 7, 2015

Single piece suction cups perform significantly better than multi part suction cups in many important respects. They consist of a single elastomer part and each cup has a specific geometry, which is adapted during the development stage to meet the process requirements.

Multi-piece suction cups, on the other hand, are made up of different individual components such as a sealing lip and a base body. A large number of variants can thus be created using a small number of single components.

In a test, the single bellow cups achieved greater holding power by a factor of 272%. On an airtight surface, the single piece suction cups that were tested achieved lateral forces up to 175% higher than comparable multi-piece suction cups.

  • achieved greater holding power by a factor of 272%
  • lateral forces up to 175% higher than multi-piece suction cups
  • 24 types of packaging suction cups for cardboard handling and 12 types for bag and pouch handling applications