ZYP Coatings, Inc.

Oak Ridge, TN 37830


About ZYP Coatings, Inc.

ZYP Coatings, Inc. was established in 1982 and specializes in producing the most complete line of paintable refractory coatings for high-temperature protection of metals, ceramics, and graphite.


120 Valley Ct.
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
(865) 482-5717

More Info on ZYP Coatings, Inc.

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ZYP Coatings, Inc. was established in 1982 and specializes in producing the most complete line of paintable refractory coatings for high-temperature protection of metals, ceramics, and graphite. Areas of use are metal melting and forming, release agents, lubrication, masking, sealing, atmosphere protection, etc. Industries served include primary aluminum manufacturing, nonferrous foundry, superplastic forming (isothermal forging), zinc hot-dip galvanizing, heat treating, extrusion, glass, sintering (powder metallurgy), and many areas of research-and-development (R&D).

All content from ZYP Coatings, Inc.

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Cera Mastic Putty

Oct. 10, 2017
ZYP Coatings, Inc. provides a versatile putty for ceramic materials.
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Boron Nitride Cera Patch Putty

Jan. 31, 2017
Boron Nitride Cera Patch is a unique trowelable putty for patching, repairing and filling any fissure, crack, or defect in refractory materials.
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Rust Removers

Maskote Zinc Stop-Off Prevents Zinc-Steel Alloying

Nov. 18, 2016
A simple aerosol application of Maskote Zinc Stop-Off to steel parts can easily mask off the coated areas to prevent zinc-steel alloying.