SLM Solutions Group AG

28350 Cabot Drive, S, Novi, MI 48377


About SLM Solutions Group AG

SLM Solutions, one of the pioneers in the sector of Rapid Manufacturing Systems serves customers in the fields of Vacuum Casting and Metal Casting and has a multi-decade history and track record of innovation, taking into account its predecessor companies.


28350 Cabot Drive, S, Novi, MI 48377
(248) 243-5400

More Info on SLM Solutions Group AG

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SLM Solutions, one of the pioneers in the sector of Rapid Manufacturing Systems, headquartered in Lübeck, Northern Germany, serves customers in the fields of Vacuum Casting and Metal Casting and has a multi-decade history and track record of innovation, taking into account its predecessor companies. During the last years, SLM Solutions focused on the selective laser melting technology.

As a manufacturer of machines for small series parts and prototypes, we focus on the development, production and distribution of our innovative selective laser melting systems. Main industries which apply our technology are automotive, education, aerospace and medical. We concentrate on our core competencies, where we have excellent know-how.

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