imc Test & Measurement GmbH

Berlin 13355


About imc Test & Measurement GmbH

imc overs an integrated and flexible data acquisition platform for test engineers from the fields of automotive engineering, mechanical engineering, railway, aerospace, and energy.


Voltastrasse 5
Berlin 13355
+49 30 46 70 90 26

More Info on imc Test & Measurement GmbH

imc overs an integrated and flexible data acquisition platform for test engineers from the fields of automotive engineering, mechanical engineering, railway, aerospace, and energy. Every day, imc DAQ systems, software solutions, and test stands are used to validate prototypes, optimize products, monitor processes, and gain insights from measurement data. As a solution provider, imc provides an additional range of unique services. These range from consulting and training to contract measurements and data evaluation to customization and turnkey test benches by a global team of engineers.

All content from imc Test & Measurement GmbH

© imc Test & Measurement GmbH
imc Test & Measurement GmbH argusfit b-4
Test Equipment

ARGUSfit B-4 Universal Bridge and Strain Gauge Amplifier

Aug. 7, 2024
imc DataWorks' universal ARGUSfit B-4 measurement module bridge amplifier has 4 measurement channels that are galvanically isolated and can be configured independently with individual...
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Measurement Equipment

CANSASfit HISO-HV-4 EV Measurement Module

Aug. 3, 2023
imc Test & Measurement's high voltage measurement module for EVs captures differential voltages up to 1,500V and has 1,000V CAT II and reinforced insulation.