Kohler Co.

Kohler, WI 53044


About Kohler Co.


Kohler, WI 53044
United States of America
920 457-4441

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830 350

Diesel Mobile Generators

Aug. 29, 2016
Model 90REOZT4 and 120REOZT4 diesel-powered mobile generators offer flexible options to meet end users' needs.
830 350
Electrical & Power Distribution

Powerful Yet Extremely Quiet Generator

July 6, 2016
Kohler Generators is introducing a new 30-kw standby generator, designed for large homes and small businesses. The KOHLER 30RCL, which will quickly restore power following an ...
830 350

Natural Gas Generator Line for standby, prime, or continuous power applications

Jan. 16, 2016
New line of large gas gensets meets EPA operational requirements and offer advanced control and monitoring capabilities. Available in nodes ranging from 425 to 1,300 kw, the genset...
830 350

Diesel Mobile Generator Runs for 24 Hours

Dec. 18, 2015
Model 55REOZT4 diesel mobile generator provides reliable power through fuel tanks sized for 24-hr run time. Capable of a 46-48 kW standby rating and 42-43 kW prime and continuous...