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Not Your Kid's Lego: DIY Lego Innovations That Will Blow Your Mind

Oct. 25, 2024
Watch childhood nostalgia collide with engineering genius as makers reinvent Lego for ambitious DIY projects, including a Lego taco factory.

At least once a month, I regret letting my mom get rid of the astounding Lego collection I had when I was a kid. At the time, I thought my adult brain had surpassed the imagination needed to play with legos but I should have known better. I am a connoisseur of jigsaw puzzles, crafts, brain teasers, trivia, etc. I love any type of puzzle and I love working with my hands. When I realized my big mistake, I decided I would just buy myself a Lego set—but have you seen the price of Legos now? And one set wouldn't even get me all the Legos I had amassed as a child.

But these little colorful blocks that stick together have a prolific place in our culture, inspiring both meticulous collectors who follow every manual step and creative rebels who throw the instructions aside. As makers and engineers continue pushing boundaries, Lego has evolved into a serious prototyping tool and creative medium. Today, Alexis Gajewski, senior editor at Plant Services, reported on how innovative creators and YouTubers alike are either fabricating their own custom Lego elements or transforming standard bricks into extraordinary machines that challenge our imagination.

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