It's official. We've gone overboard with robots.
What do I mean? Well, someone decided it would be a good idea to take a flamethrower and attach it to a robot dog.
Is it cool? Absolutely. Is it nuts? Absolutely. Am I scared? Absolutely. Have I ever seen a flamethrower in real life? No. But that doesn't mean my somewhat irrational fear can be calmed.
I know flamethrowers exist but I've never really heard much about them apart from seeing them in TV shows and movies or watching some Youtube person spend a bunch of money to test one out.
But now that one has been attached to a robot dog and is being sold for less than $10,000, I'm slightly worried and fascinated.
The product, from the Cleveland, Ohio-based company Throwflame, is called Thermonator. Thermonator is the first-ever flamethrower-wielding robot dog. This quadruped is coupled with Throwflame's ARC Flamethrower to deliver on-demand fire anywhere. With lidar mapping, first-person view navigation, obstacle avoidance, and laser sighting, this robot can remotely deliver fire with a 30-foot firing range and a one-hour battery life.