
Raleigh, NC 27606


About Coval

COVAL specializes in the manufacturing of vacuum components for the automation industry. With 30+ years of experience, COVAL is a leader in the field of vacuum technology for robotics tooling.
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Product Summary

Suction cups, vacuum pumps, robotic tooling, end-of-arm tooling, vacuum switches, vacuum grippers, robot end-effectors, vacuum pump accessories, and suction cup accessories.


901 Jones Franklin Rd.
Suite 100
Raleigh, NC 27606
(919) 233 4855
(919) 233 4854

More Info on Coval

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Established in the south of France, Coval designs, produces, and markets high-performance vacuum components and systems throughout the entire world for industrial applications in all lines of business.

Coval is an ISO 9001 V2015 certified company that innovates on a global scale in the area of vacuum handling using optimized components with integrated, intelligent, and reliable features. Its solutions can be adapted to any industrial context and its primary goal is to improve productivity with safety in mind.

Coval's clients are present in all major industrial fields in which vacuum handling is critical for efficiency and productivity. These fields include packaging, automotive, plastic processing, aeronautics, and palletizing. COVAL markets its products and services throughout Europe as well as in North and South America through its subsidiaries and its network of authorized distributors.

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All content from Coval


CVGC Carbon Vacuum Gripper for Cobots Can be Easily Customized to Your Needs

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Coval's second generation of the CVGC carbon vacuum gripper for cobots provides multiple configuration possibilities so each user can configure their gripper to their exact needs...
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Multistage Mini Vacuum Pumps: The CMS M Series

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CTC High Performance Bell-Type Suction Cups Hold Fast to Sheet Metal

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With CTC high-performance bell-type suction cups from Coval, manufacturers can now have the best of both flat and bellows suction cups to enhance sheet handling tasks.
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Enhanced Pump Range

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Intelligent Vacuum Pumps

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LEMAX IO series of mini vacuum pumps with IO LINK communication integrate all the required functions for optimized vacuum management in a compact package. Via their IO-Link interface...
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Versatile Vacuum for Any Industry

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The IO-Link communication interface of the Coval GVMAX HD vacuum pumps makes installation fast and economical, supports continuous diagnostics, centralized parametrization, and...
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Vacuum Gripper for Fabrics, Masks

Feb. 24, 2021
Designed to handle light and porous objects, such as protective masks, fabric or leather cut-outs, the CVGM series mini vacuum chamber is ultra-light and compact, weighing only...