Accident research demands that automobile wheels survive under the heaviest of loads By selecting the desired amount of weight to be dropped the drop height and the angle of the wheel at impact a wide range of conditions can be simulated

Impact Test Machine

April 6, 2014
Heavy load testing set-up Select desired weight, drop height, angle

LMC WORKHOLDING supplies Alpine Metal Tech’s Makra machines for aluminum wheel testing help wheel manufacturers and others to ensure that all standards, regulations, and safety requirements are fulfilled. One such machine is the Makra Impact Test Machine.  Accident research demands that automobile wheels survive under the heaviest of loads.  The Makra Impact Test Machine simulates these extreme conditions.  By selecting the desired amount of weight to be dropped, the drop height, and the angle of the wheel at impact, a wide range of conditions can be simulated.  These conditions include striking a curb or hitting a pot hole.

“We’re delighted to be able to work with Alpine Metal Tech. Our LMC wheel chucks keep us very close to the wheel industry and these new products are a great addition,” according to Jay Duerr, president.

LMC Workholding engineers and manufactures a full range of products including high-quality chucks and cylinders along with special workholding devices, including aluminum wheel chucks, high volume machining power chucks and fixtures, standard and special hydraulic steady rests, special application and large, cast manual steady rests, and Chandox brand chucks and cylinders.  LMC also offers patented face drivers and centers.