
Demystifying Frameless Motors in Robotics

May 6, 2019
Learn how frameless motors provide the agility required for designing and building devices to fit today's lean processes that demand greater flexibility, precision, and durability.

The use of frameless motors in robotics is often driven by the same factors that demand usage in other applications where a standard servo motor won’t work. The most common factor behind a decision to use frameless motors is the need for a compact form or environmental demands, yet a requirement for high power and torque density.

There are additional benefits to be had from going with a frameless motor design, such as efficiency in many regards, greater system bandwidth, and a smaller footprint. When the application calls for a small, lightweight motor that delivers significant power and torque, frameless is the way to go.

In this whitepaper, we will seek to eliminate barriers to choosing frameless motors, as well as help robotic engineers build out their specifications so that when it’s time to start talking to motion companies, the conversation can move along efficiently.

For example, with a thorough understanding of size, gearing, thermal, and mechanical needs, our team can quickly walk you through the options that are available, whether that be a motor we already produce, one that needs minor adjustments or perhaps a completely new design.

Understanding the economics of these options is also critical, so engineers can work with you to examine specific areas in which savings can be found with minimal impact on your design.

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