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How To Make the Transition From a Traditional to a Smart Factory

How To Make the Transition From a Traditional to a Smart Factory

Oct. 5, 2023
How to make the pivotal transition to streamlined operations, data-driven decision-making, and enhanced sustainability.

The manufacturing landscape has evolved dramatically over the years. Traditional manufacturing often grapples with inefficiencies, a lack of real-time data, and scalability issues. However, the shift to a digital factory offers the promise of streamlined operations, data-driven decision-making, and enhanced sustainability, making it not just a luxury but a necessity for businesses aiming to stay competitive.

The push towards smart manufacturing is driven by rapid technological advancements, mounting competitive pressures, and a growing emphasis on sustainability goals. This article delves into the intricacies of making this pivotal transition.

Key Components of a Smart Factory

Advanced Technologies

The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing how devices communicate, offering unparalleled connectivity in the manufacturing space. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is another significant change, enabling machines to make decisions based on data. Robotics, with their precision and efficiency, are also becoming indispensable in modern factories.

Data-Driven Insights

Real-time analytics empower manufacturers to make informed decisions on the fly. Predictive maintenance is one of the game-changing strategies shaping the field.

Alcoa implemented a proof-of-concept project involving 50 assets across two cast house systems at its Fjarðaál aluminum smelter in Iceland. The solution, which is now being scaled enterprise-wide, uses Senseye to unify and synchronize equipment sensor data. 

Alcoa was able to avoid 12 hours of unplanned downtime by detecting a fault in the HDC saw motor system. The company reduced unplanned downtime by up to 20% and achieved full ROI in four to six months.

Streamlined Methodologies

Lean manufacturing has proven its worth in giants like Nike. Nike's Lean philosophy, 'Make Today Better,' is evident across all of the company’s facilities. 

The company trains its employees in continuous improvement and empowers them to make operational enhancements. Nike achieved a 50% reduction in defect rates, 40% faster lead times, a 20% improvement in productivity, and a 30% reduction in time taken to introduce a new model. 

This focus on lean allows it to deliver high-quality, timely products, ensuring it remains at the forefront of the footwear world.

The Transition Process

Planning and Strategy

Before diving into the transition, it's crucial to assess your current capabilities. This involves evaluating your existing machinery, software, and skill sets to identify gaps that need to be filled. Once you know where you stand, setting clear objectives becomes the next step.

Budgeting is another critical aspect of planning. A well-thought-out budget ensures that you allocate resources efficiently, avoiding unnecessary expenditures. It's essential to consider the upfront costs of new technologies and the long-term operational costs, including maintenance and training.


Choosing between a phased approach and a Big Bang approach is a significant decision. A phased approach allows for gradual integration, letting you test systems and make adjustments as needed. On the other hand, a Big Bang approach, although riskier, can be quicker and more transformative.

Training and upskilling your workforce is non-negotiable. New technologies often require additional skill sets, and it's crucial that your team is prepared to manage the transition effectively. Vendor selection is another critical factor. The right technology partners can make or break your transition.

Monitoring and Optimization

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) offer measurable metrics to gauge success. You should establish these early in the planning stage—but setting KPIs is just the beginning. You must also establish mechanisms for regular monitoring and data analysis.

Monitoring KPIs and implementing feedback loops are necessary steps to achieve the end goal of continuous improvement. You can gather insights from the shop floor to the top floor through feedback loops and promptly identify and address any issues.

Challenges and Solutions

While the allure of cutting-edge technology and streamlined processes is compelling, the road to transformation is often less straightforward. Engineers and plant managers must navigate a labyrinth of obstacles, from organizational inertia to financial constraints.

  • Resistance to change: One of the most common challenges is resistance to change from both management and the workforce. This resistance often stems from a lack of understanding of the new technologies or fear of job displacement. A robust change management strategy is essential. This should include comprehensive training programs, workshops, and open channels for feedback.

  • Data security: With the integration of IoT devices and cloud-based systems, the risk of cyber threats increases exponentially. Data breaches can lead to financial loss and damage a company's reputation. Investing in state-of-the-art cybersecurity measures is a top priority. Regular security audits, employee training on cybersecurity best practices, and a well-defined incident response plan can go a long way in mitigating risks.

  • Cost implications: The initial investment required for transitioning to a smart factory can be substantial. This often includes the cost of new machinery, software licenses, and employee training. A detailed ROI analysis can provide a clearer picture of long-term benefits versus upfront costs. This should be part of the initial planning phase, allowing for budget allocations that take into account both immediate and future financial implications.

Tackling these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach that combines strategic planning, employee engagement, and continuous monitoring. You're not just overcoming obstacles—you're setting the stage for a more efficient, productive, and profitable future.

Benefits and ROI

Operational Benefits

Smart factories offer unparalleled operational benefits. Increased efficiency is perhaps the most immediate advantage, allowing you to get more done with fewer resources. The efficiency benefits result from both improved machine performance and manpower utilization.

Enhanced productivity is another significant benefit. Smart factories enable real-time monitoring and adjustments, ensuring that your production lines are always operating at peak performance. This real-time capability can significantly reduce downtime and improve output quality.

Financial Benefits

The financial benefits of transitioning to a smart factory can be substantial. Cost savings come in many forms, from reduced waste to optimized energy consumption. These savings may not be apparent immediately but will manifest in the long run.

Revenue growth is another financial benefit that comes with enhanced operational capabilities. With more efficient processes, you can produce more, sell more, and ultimately earn more. This growth isn't just a short-term spike but can contribute to long-term profitability.


Transitioning to a smart factory is a monumental step, but the benefits, both operational and financial, are undeniable. For engineers and plant managers, the future beckons with the promise of efficiency, productivity, and growth. 

Embracing smart manufacturing is beyond just keeping up with the times—it's about pioneering the future of manufacturing. With industry giants leading the way with lean principles, the path forward is clear: continuous improvement, customer-centricity, and a commitment to excellence.

For over 30 years, Eric Whitley has been a noteworthy leader in the manufacturing space. In addition to the many publications and articles Eric has written on various manufacturing topics, you may know him from his efforts leading the Total Productive Maintenance effort at Autoliv ASP or from his involvement in the Management Certification programs at The Ohio State University, where he served as an adjunct faculty member.

After an extensive career as a reliability and business improvement consultant, Eric joined L2L, where he currently serves as the Director of Smart Manufacturing. His role in this position is to help clients learn and implement L2L’s pragmatic and simple approach to corporate digital transformation.

Eric lives with his wife of 35 years in Northern Utah. When Eric is not working, he can usually be found on the water with a fishing rod in his hands.

About the Author

Eric Whitley | Director of Smart Manufacturing, Leading2Lean (L2L)

For over 30 years, Eric Whitley has been a noteworthy leader in the manufacturing space. In addition to the many publications and articles Eric has written on various manufacturing topics, you may know him from his efforts leading the Total Productive Maintenance effort at Autoliv ASP or from his involvement in the Management Certification programs at The Ohio State University, where he served as an adjunct faculty member. 

After an extensive career as a reliability and business improvement consultant, Eric joined L2L, where he currently serves as the Director of Smart Manufacturing. His role in this position is to help clients learn and implement L2L’s pragmatic and simple approach to corporate digital transformation.   

Eric lives with his wife of 35 years in Northern Utah. When Eric is not working, he can usually be found on the water with a fishing rod in his hands.