Key Discovery IIoT Software Suite for Sorters

Sept. 1, 2021
Key Technology's new software suite turns sorters into IIoT Devices to help optimize production by providing valuable insight into the sorting process.

Key Discovery is a suite of software solutions that transforms Key’s digital sorting systems into IIoT connected devices that collect, analyze, and share data while sorting product. By harnessing data about the sorting process and about every object flowing through the sorter, Key Discovery can reveal patterns and trends that improve sorting and help control upstream and downstream processes. Key Discovery provides actionable information that enables processors to optimize product quality, maximize yield, reduce downtime and minimize labor to increase profitability.


Key Discovery is available for all Key Technology sorting equipment including VERYX digital sorters and ADR EXOS automatic defect removal systems, as well as other Key sorting platforms. It offers flexible connectivity to a processor’s enterprise, whether to an MES or SCADA system, shop floor management software or PLC network, via a secure infrastructure.


Food processors can use the data provided by Key Discovery for a wide variety of process monitoring and line control purposes, depending on their needs. It audits the sorter’s wellness, validates sort performance, and helps better manage output. Key Discovery can also monitor upstream processes to help identify issues and opportunities for improvement, and it can connect the sorter with other equipment and devices upstream and downstream on the line. These capabilities help maximize raw product utilization, improve line performance and reduce the need for human monitoring of the sorting process.


Key Discovery’s configurable reporting enables processors to understand product batches in terms of their quality profile, measuring defect rates and the presence of foreign material as well as the color, size, shape, structural property, and/or chemical composition of the product, whether the data is used to make sort decisions or not. These quality reports can be used to manage payment plans for growers or to better understand how different field practices and raw product sources affect final product quality. Key Discovery can also perform quality control measurements and reporting in-line, eliminating the need for time-consuming tests to be conducted on small samples of the product population off of the production line.


Key Discovery is available on new Key digital sorting systems and as a field upgrade on installed Key sorters. Every new Key Technology sorting system comes standard with a set of Discovery features that can be further expanded and tailored to the requirements of individual food processors.

Sorter Connectivity and Data Sharing: 

  • Connect sorters flexibly with MES, SCADA, PLC networks or factory floor management systems—sharing data produced by the sorter sensors.
  • Connect Key Technology sorters with other equipment on the processing line.

Sorter Data Analytics:

  • Turn sorter sensor data into insight and actionable information to optimize product quality, improve sort efficiency, and anticipate possible equipment issues.

Customized Data Reporting:

  • Leverage sorter data to create customized reports about line performance and the quality profile of every product batch.

Live Dashboards:

  • Develop custom web-based dashboards powered by live sorter data, allowing complete visibility over the sorting process including smart alerts for abnormal conditions and predictive maintenance steps.

Remote System Management: 

  • Monitor and control the operation of sorting entirely remotely.