Turnkey Solutions Provide Virtual Commissioning Solutions to Machine Builders

Sept. 3, 2021

Maplesoft announced turnkey solutions for machine builders that make virtual commissioning highly accessible even to organizations that have no experience with modeling and simulation using digital twins. Providing a combination of products and engineering services, Maplesoft will work closely with organizations that are new to virtual commissioning to identify a suitable project, develop a high fidelity virtual model, and deploy that model to anyone in the organization who needs it using MapleSim Insight, a simple but powerful simulation platform. The latest release of MapleSim Insight provides enhanced simulation-based 3-D visualization and debugging capabilities that connect directly to common automation platforms.


Maplesoft provides customers with full-service solutions for diagnosing, fixing, and optimizing machine performance. Customers can seek solutions to individual issues without having prior simulation experience, and Maplesoft will provide a validated digital twin that can yield powerful, cost-saving results. These digital twins are developed using MapleSim, the multidomain modeling and simulation tool from Maplesoft, which provides a single environment to model all of the key systems found in typical machine designs, including mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical systems.


Customers are also provided with a new version of MapleSim Insight, which is a low-cost tool for simulating, visualizing, and sharing MapleSim models with teams who aren’t already familiar with modeling tools. MapleSim Insight gives users faster simulation results, more options for 2-D plotting and 3-D visualizations, and improved abilities for in-depth, custom analysis. Customers can also use MapleSim Insight for real-time visualization and testing of machine control code, with direct connectivity options for industry-standard automation tools. The same 3-D visualizations can also be used by non-experts, such as sales teams looking to provide demonstrations of customized hardware to new customers.


The turnkey solutions are now available alongside new releases of MapleSim and MapleSim Insight.