FX Trucking App for Dispatchers

Sept. 1, 2021
LiquidFrameworks has expanded its FieldFX product suite with the FX Trucking module for dispatchers.

A module for the FieldFX product suite, FX Trucking, is a segment-specific app that provides a seamless experience for the dispatcher. Dispatchers now have access to all of the information required while auto-generating tickets with pre-configured charges based on the hauling commodity selected.


FieldFX is a cloud-based, mobile field operations software suite designed to manage contracts, quotes, equipment, jobs, field tickets, and invoices, along with customer-specific electronic forms such as safety incidents, inspections, and other operational data reports. FieldFX was designed specifically for field personnel in order to increase usability and, therefore, increase and accelerate the value of the implementations. The FieldFX solution also works both online and offline, which is critical for service companies in the energy industry.

  • Segment-specific application
  • Complete Route View
  • Proof of Delivery
  • Auto-Generated Tickets
  • Create parent regions with multiple locations within the region
  • Trucks can default to a driver
  • View all routes by customers, destination, origin, and drivers
  • Route reporting from the main dispatching screen
  • Geofencing feature provides proof of delivery
  • Ability to assign multiple drivers to a route, the first to accept is dispatched
  • Customer Selection
  • Date of Requested Service
  • Origin and Destination
  • Billing Information- Job and Ticket Types
  • Access to Existing Jobs and the Ability to Create New Jobs