UCM SmartLine Ultrasonic Cleaning System

Sept. 1, 2021
SBS EcoClean's UCMSmartLine is a modular, immersion-type ultrasonic system with up to nine wash and rinse stages.

The UCMSmartLine is a modular, immersion-type ultrasonic system with up to nine wash and rinse stages. The versatile system offers numerous possibilities for solving individual cleaning tasks with the highest demands on component quality. Based on standardized modules, it includes integrated electrical and control systems for cleaning, rinsing, drying, loading, and unloading processes, as well as a versatile transport system. The modules can be configured to create customized extendable systems for preliminary, intermediate, and final cleaning.


The modules, which are heated and fitted with a filter circuit, can also be adapted to suit a wide range of applications. This enables the use of single (25, 40, 80 kHz), dual (25/50, 40/80 kHz), as well as multi-frequency ultrasonics (40/80/120 kHz). The ultrasonic transducers are placed at the bottom and/or on one side of the tanks measuring 370 x 420 x 390 mm (L x W x H). The parts are dried by infrared radiation heat, hot air or under vacuum. Depending on the application, these drying technologies can also be used in combination. The loading and unloading stations of the UCMSmartLine can be arranged either at the front or at the side, depending on the space available and plant layout for optimum material flow. These tasks can be performed manually or automatically.


For cleaning applications requiring an exceptionally clean environment, one or two HEPA filters can be installed on the top of the housing, depending on the length of the system. As a rule, two flow boxes are used; which creates a cleanroom atmosphere from the last rinsing station to the unloading station. The UCMSmartLine can also be connected to a cleanroom.


Inside the system, the parts are conveyed by a standard automatic transport system with a servo drive. This enables the transport speed to be adapted according to the parts being cleaned. As a result, the parts are handled extremely gently during processing. In addition to preventing damage and scratches on sensitive workpieces, it also prevents components from rising to the surface. If desired, speeds can be increased in most sections of the line to ensure a higher throughput. A further advantage of the servo drive is the part-specific lift-out from the last rinsing tank for pre-drying the parts. This helps prevent stains from forming during the subsequent drying process.


The standard version of the system has a static transport rack made of stainless steel that is designed for a maximum batch weight of 20 kg. In addition, transport racks that can be rotated along the longitudinal axis are available for bulk items requiring increased part agitation. Another type of transport rack can be rotated along the vertical axis at 200 rpm during wet processes and up to 1,000 rpm during the dry process. These racks are used, among other things, to clean microlenses in optics. If higher throughputs are required, the system can be fitted with a second automatic transport system.


The spill-over tank guarantees consistently good cleaning results in line with demands: In all of the cleaning and rinsing tanks, the media are introduced from below and pumped to the top where they overflow on two sides. This creates a constant flow in the tanks and makes sure that the parts are thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. The flow also ensures that detached particles and other residues are removed immediately from the tanks, thus minimizing the risk of re-contaminating the parts when they are moved or lifted out. The tanks have been designed so that they can be drained quickly and completely, and that no pockets of dirt or contamination can form. The same applies to the piping of the cleaning system, which is designed for temperatures up to 70°C.

MACHINE DATA2-in-13-in-1Manual loading/
unloading station
Dimensions (LxW)1,100 x 1,500 mm1,650 x 1,500 mm650 x 1,500 mm
Height Without HEPA Filter2,490 mm
Height Incl. HEPA Filter2,790 mm
Weight500 kg700 kg300 kg
Dimensions (LxWxH)370 x 420 x 390 mm
Tank capacity 60 l + 10 l 
Mono25 / 40 /80 kHz
Twin 25 / 50 & 40 / 80 kHz
Multi40 / 80 / 120 kHz
Dimensions (LxWxH) 250 x 300 x 210 mm
Part weightup to 20 kg, incl. static transport rack
Connected Loadfrom 8.2 kW to 72.8 kW
  • Parts are agitated in wash and rinse modules, optional rotary and spinning movements
  • Variable ultrasonic equipment for mono, twin, and multi-frequency operation from 25 to 120 kHz
  • Hot air, infrared and vacuum drying, several drying stages possible with infrared option
  • Overflow circuit filtration
  • Flexible transport system for handling of product carriers and baskets
  • Easy creation of up to 99 different programs
  • Process visualization and fault diagnosis via IPC controller
  • Connected to rinse water / DI water re-circulation system
  • Supply air filtered by HEPA filter
  • Interfacing with clean rooms possible
  • Closed system


  • Thin-film coated parts (PVD/CVD) e.g. tools, automotive parts, fittings
  • Precision optics e.g. micro-optics, lenses, mirrors, prisms, masks
  • Medical components e.g. implants, surgical tools, medical instruments
  • Precision mechanics/precision parts e.g. aircraft, automotive parts, watches, jewelry