Remote Assistance for the Frontline Workforce

March 10, 2021
In this catalog from Augmentir, learn how connected worker solutions are uniquely suited for the frontline workforce.

The global pandemic has changed the way we work–and for many manufacturers, the change will be permanent.


Despite the shift to remote work, there are still nearly 2 billion frontline or field workers in the global workforce. Most of these frontline jobs cannot be done remotely, yet these workers still need access to digital information, guidance, training, and support, which was previously given in person.


Unfortunately, typical office videoconferencing and virtual collaboration tools (e.g Zoom, Microsoft Teams), which are designed for desktop-based knowledge workers, are not always appropriate for the workplace of the frontline–workers on factory floors or healthcare facilities, engineers on oil rigs or field service technicians out in the field.


In this buyer's guide, learn how industrial connected worker solutions that include augmented reality (AR) based remote assistance are uniquely suited for the frontline workforce.