Industrial IT Monitoring Solution

Nov. 13, 2020
Paessler's network monitoring solution now offers support of common communication standards within an industrial IT environment.

Paessler introduces new capabilities to its monitoring solution PRTG Network Monitor enabling organizations to have a holistic view of both operational technology and traditional IT infrastructure data insights. 


PRTG Network Monitor is able to support common communication standards within an industrial IT environment. This allows PRTG to bring data from the factory floor into the monitoring concept using native sensors for OPC UA, MQTT, and Modbus TCP. The result is a holistic approach to industrial IT monitoring by combining both operational technology and traditional IT infrastructure data insights.


Innovations within Paessler’s PRTG monitoring solution to broaden its scope to cover industrial IT monitoring include:

  • The ability to monitor Modbus TCP devices on the factory floor without the need for protocol converters
  • Support for the commonly used industrial interoperability standard OPC UA
  • The ability to monitor the health status of Soffico Orchestra 
  • The implementation of the MQTT messaging protocol (including the ability to monitor MQTT Broker and MQTT Statistics, and to send out MQTT-based notifications), providing insights into machine-to-machine communication within the IoT and industrial IT space.