Wearable Sensor Enforces Social Distancing

Sept. 2, 2020
Radiusafe's patented technology features a simple light meter to easily identify distances between employees.

RADIUSAFE is a wearable sensor that either beeps or vibrates if an employee gets too close to another employee. No personal data is saved as each person is assigned a number that only the device manager has access to.


On each Radiusafe unit, the built-in Nextometer lightbar graphically shows how close co-workers are to each other; Red means "too close", yellow means "watch out", and green means "all good".  Want to have a meeting but want to make sure everyone is at least six feet away? Watch the Nextometer lights and make sure everyone is sitting far enough away. Setting up a work cell in a factory? Watch the Nextometer and make sure everyone is practicing social distancing.


There's even a button which, when pushed, reports how many interactions each Radiusafe wearer has had over the course of the day. This idea allows for immediate feedback on how employees are doing maintaining social distancing. There's no need to connect the device to a smartphone or a computer, simply press a button on the device. Have the meeting, set up the work cell, let employees do their job, and then check back in and see how they're doing practicing social distancing. Data can also be downloaded showing who interacted with whom in case of an infection.


Radiusafe is a patented product and is manufactured in Italy by Cypag, a 30-year leader in innovating industrial products. Radiusafe can be purchased online at http://www.radiusafeusa.com