NetSuite Helps SMBs Adapt to Change and Build for the Future

Oct. 7, 2020

To help small and mid-sized organizations across industries adapt to change and build for the future, Oracle NetSuite announced a series of new innovations within the platform. The latest updates help organizations streamline and enhance financial, supply chain, and operational management, while also improving the employee and customer experience.


The latest innovations within NetSuite include updates to help finance and accounting, supply chain and operations, sales and marketing, HR, project management, and IT professionals.


Supply Chain and Operations Professionals

  • Automated Fulfillment Capabilities: Help customers allocate inventory to optimize profit by automatically filling orders based on user-defined criteria such as lead time, shipping cost, or fill rate.
  • Supply Planning Capabilities: Help customers align supply and demand by providing new planning features for material requirements planning (MRP) and a dedicated repository that allows planners to easily monitor, release, and review orders. 
  • Intelligent Predicted Risk: Helps customers gain greater insight into the potential risks of goods not shipping on time. For example, machine learning algorithms can identify purchase, sales, or transfer orders that are at risk and provide alternative recommendations.

Project Management Professionals

  • Expense Management Automation: Helps customers streamline the expense process and reduce data entry errors by populating expense lines directly from American Express corporate credit cards.
  • Resource Planning Enhancements: Help customers improve utilization and resource planning by providing a unified view of project budgeting and assignments. Project managers will have the ability to identify skilled resources, view availability and conflicts, and check budgetary constraints to improve project profitability.

Administrators and Developers

  • NetSuite Analytics Warehouse: Helps customers improve decision-making by aggregating multiple sources of data, leveraging interactive visualizations, predictive analytics and more. This new capability extends SuiteAnalytics through an integration with Oracle Analytics Cloud and Autonomous Data Warehouse.
  • SuiteAnalytics Enhancements: Help customers build reports and analysis across the business by supporting multiple datasets in the SuiteAnalytics Workbook. Administrators and developers can take advantage of new pivot tables and advanced visualization capabilities to view sales performance, project status, and product stock and fulfillment.
  • SuiteCloud Record Customization: Helps streamline controls for administrators and developers by providing a consolidated view into all standard and custom records. This new centralized view of mandatory field settings and access controls improves visibility of record-level customizations and their impact on the customer data model, while also ensuring consistent and secure functionality across all UIs and APIs.
  • Application Performance Manager Dashboards: Help users quickly spot issues and find resolutions by providing a real-time view of account status through a new performance health dashboard. Administrators can view overall performance, flag system bottlenecks, and avoid disruptions for day-to-day end-users.

In addition to the latest updates, NetSuite has also introduced Business Now, a resource guide designed to help businesses navigate the unknown and plan for what’s next. It includes practical guidance, industry insights, and inspirational stories from businesses around the world, including HINT, LovelySkin, and T3 Micro, about how they are adapting to change.