The Irisys SafeCount Live Occupancy Monitoring Solution helps businesses comply with social distancing and occupancy guidelines by anonymously counting people as they enter and exit buildings and rooms.


Suitable for buildings of all sizes, even those with multiple entrances and exits, SafeCount delivers live occupancy data with visual warnings and alerts when limits are approached or exceeded.


Built on the advanced Irisys Vector 4D people counting sensor, SafeCount features:

  • Easy, fast installation — Simple setup and configuration in less than 30 minutes.
  • Highly accurate — Better than 99% sensor accuracy that is unaffected by environmental conditions or large crowds.
  • Privacy protection — no personally identifiable information is captured by the system.
  • Staff detection — advanced functionality can exclude staff from occupancy count.
  • Standalone, yet scalable system — SafeCount works separately from existing IT networks and you can add the optional SafeCount Plus cloud platform for remote management and reporting.

The SafeCount Plus cloud platform supports an unlimited number of buildings in different locations and time zones. Its advanced reporting enables managers to easily review, compare, and analyze occupancy data to identify locations that are not complying with occupancy restrictions, allowing them to take action.