Robotic Controller for the Edge

Sept. 18, 2020

The ROScube-I with Intel provides a real-time ROS 2 robot controller for advanced robotic applications. The ROScube-I Series is a ROS 2-enabled robotic controller based on Intel Xeon E, 9th Gen Intel CoreTM i7/i3 and 8th Gen Intel CoreTM i5 processors, and features exceptional I/O connectivity supporting a wide variety of sensors and actuators to meet the needs of a wide range of robotic applications. The ROScube-I supports an extension box for convenient functionality and performance expansion with Intel VPU cards and the Intel Distribution of OpenVINOTM toolkit for computation of AI algorithms and inference.


Robotic systems based on the ROScube-I are supported by ADLINK’s Neuron SDK, our proprietary platform specifically designed for professional robotic applications such as autonomous mobile robots (AMR) and With the newly released ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy (codename "foxy"), Neuron SDK customers can enjoy the benefits of long-term support (LTS), as well as ADLINK's quality-guaranteed services for ROScube.


Developers can easily use the ROScube-I Starter Kit or ROScube Pico Development Kit (powered by Intel Core, Celeron, and Atom processors) to rapidly prototype algorithms and immediately deploy them to ADLINK’s NeuronBot ROS 2-based rapid robotic development kit for demonstration. This allows for fast improvement of AI models and the acquisition of vision data to optimize operational decision-making. The NeuronBot also supports ADLINK's Neuron SDK to leverage the powerful open-source ROS libraries and packages.

The ROScube-I series:

  • High-performance x86-64 mainstream architecture for ROS 2 development
  • Comprehensive I/O for connecting a wide range of devices
  • Real-time I/O for environmental sensors (CAN, GPIO, COM)
  • Real-time middleware for communication between software components and devices
  • Hypervisor for safe mission-critical mission execution
  • Ruggedized, secure connectivity with locking USB ports
  • Optional RTOS such as VxWorks


The ROScube-I Starter Kit:

  • Embedded board with rich I/O interface
  • MXM graphics module support for accelerated AI computing
  • Compatibility with ROS/ROS 2
  • OpenVINO support


The ROScube Pico Development Kit:

  • Compatibility with Raspberry Pi 40-pin GPIO
  • Rich ROS open source applications
  • Compact size based on the SMARC form factor


The NeuronBot:

  • Integrated vision, control, AI, and motion modules
  • Rapid robotic development design
  • Support for powerful open source ROS libraries and packages
  • OpenVINO support