Wastewater Turbocompressors

Aug. 26, 2020


The HST 30-58-8 and HST 30-38-2 turbocompressors offer increased flow and pressure respectively for applications in the wastewater industry. For wastewater treatment plants aiming to upgrade their aeration facilities but retain shallower tanks, the HST 30-58-8 offers improved efficiency at lower pressures up to 75 kPa (10.5 psig) with an extended flow envelope up to 15,000 Nm3/h (9’400 SCFM). This model is also well-suited to the task of scouring membranes in membrane bioreactors (MBRs).


For some sites, both old and new-build, space constraints can mean that aeration tanks are deeper, with a smaller surface area. In these cases, the turbocompressor needs to deliver a higher pressure to ensure an efficient process. For these applications, the HST 30-38-2 offers increased operating pressures up to 130 kPa (18.9 psig); the flow is correspondingly lower at 10’000 Nm3/h (6,500 SCFM).


The HST 30 range has also benefitted from a new 350 kW (450 hp) electric motor which will be fitted to the top-of-the-range models. This offers greater flow rates and peak operating pressures with the HST 30-46 performance being boosted to 12,400 Nm3/h (7’900 SCFM).