Enterprise Labeling Maturity Model offers a methodology to evaluate the current effectiveness of a company’s Enterprise Labeling. This interactive framework highlights capabilities and processes over five specific stages of maturity and offers companies a roadmap for continuous improvement in labeling across their supply chains and global operations.


Companies can use this model to diagnose and better understand the impact of their current labeling efforts, enabling managers to develop a comprehensive Enterprise Labeling improvement plan. The framework outlines five progressive stages of maturity based upon key criteria referred to as ‘dimensions.’ These nine dimensions include essential labeling components such as standardization, automation, ownership, printing & output, and compliance. An interactive assessment allows companies to complete an online survey to identify strengths and weaknesses across a continuum and determine their current level of Enterprise Labeling maturity. Companies that take the assessment receive a personalized report, enabling them to review their current labeling maturity and then identify areas needed for growth and improvement.


The Enterprise Labeling Maturity Model outlines a progression of five distinct stages ranging from limited labeling capability and processes to comprehensive. The first stage is the “React” or reactionary stage when labeling is primarily manually driven with siloed initiatives. The second stage extends to “Manage,” when companies are proactively managing and planning labeling. At Stage three, “Integrate” represents companies in which labeling has become integrated with data sources for increased accuracy and consistency. Next, at Stage 4 “Orchestrate” represents companies that have standardized and centralized labeling company-wide. At the final stage, “Extend” focuses on labeling and labeling processes being optimized and extended beyond the organization to suppliers and business partners.


To help determine at which stage a company presents, participants completing the survey assessment are provided with a labeling maturity score and a personalized report intended to show them how to:

  • Evaluate the current effectiveness of labeling capabilities
  • Determine key steps required to achieve higher levels of competency
  • Collaborate with internal teams regarding next steps for labeling
  • Develop a blueprint to prioritize labeling investments


The Enterprise Labeling Maturity Model was developed as a result of working with companies in the labeling space for more than 30 years to identify the most critical areas of development and growth when it comes to supply chain labeling. That work, with thousands of leading global companies from across a wide range of key industries, includes decades of research, extensive surveys, and feedback from domain experts.