SIGLENT SSA3000X-R Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers (RTSA) are powerful and flexible tools for complex RF spectrum and signal analysis. With a capability of 40MHz analysis bandwidth and 7.2?s 100% probability of intercept (POI), the analyzers can provide multi-dimensional data displays, advanced triggering, and RF data capturing, to assist with modern RF spectrum challenges such as frequency hopping, channel conflicts, spectrum interference, etc.


These RTSAs contain a standard tracking generator for network analysis, optional wideband digital modulation analysis, and EMI measurement. The SSA3050X-R model has a frequency range of 9kHz to 5.0GHz, while the SSA3075X-R has a range of 9kHz to 7.5GHz. The built-in tracking generators operate from 100kHz to 5.0GHz and 100kHz to 7.5GHz respectively, and a preamplifier is included as standard. Control is made easy with a 10.1" multi-touch screen, with an external mouse and keyboard also supported. Remote control is also possible via an attached PC or web browser.


The SSA3000X-R analyzers can perform in a swept or a real-time mode. A modulation analysis mode is also available for AM/FM, ASK/FSK/PSK/MSK/QAM vector signal modulation analysis and EVM evaluation, as well as data recording to a PC. An EMI measurement mode allows for pre-compliance and other RF testing. Reflection measurement VSWR and return loss measurement with Q value calculation can be accomplished using an external reflection bridge or coupler.

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