Self-Centering Wart Millhog Pipe & Tube Beveler

July 8, 2020
Esco Tool's beveller creates perfectly squared end preps.

An I.D. clamping, welding prep, boiler tube repair tool helps assure quality fit-up at biomass and fossil-fired plants by creating perfectly square end preps. The Wart MILLHOG Beveler mounts rigidly to the tube I.D., is self-centering, and provides torque-free operation with the ability to bevel, face, bore, and remove overlay simultaneously to create perfectly square end preps. This fully portable and easy-to-use tool cuts to a consistent height without cutting oils and should be the first step to a quality weld.

Only requiring 2.625-in. W to fit between tubes for single tube maintenance in a boiler tube waterwall, the beveler is ideally suited for tube and pipe from 0.75 to 4.5-in. O.D. Featuring a self-centering draw rod assembly and attached clamping and ratchet feed wrenches, this robust tool has a sealed mandrel to keep debris out.