Warehouse Management Execution

April 16, 2020
Softeon's WMS + WES combo provides visibility, orchestration, and optimization of order picking and related processes, all in one system.

The Warehouse Management and Execution System combines Softeon’s Warehouse Management System (WMS) with its Warehouse Execution System (WES). The WES provides visibility, orchestration, and optimization of order picking and related processes, which include maximizing materials handling system utilization, and leveraging capabilities above what's available today.


The WES enables companies to minimize total fulfillment costs while meeting customer demand and service commitments. The WMS and WES solutions are available stand-alone—or can be deployed together as a powerful Warehouse Management and Execution System.


In stand-alone mode, the WES can work with almost any existing WMS, from ERP to legacy to best-of-breed providers, with flexible integration and process models. The WES delivers value not only for automated DCs but also in operations with medium levels of automation or even completely manual processes.


Benefits of the new solution include double or even triple-digit improvements in productivity; reduced supervisory labor, increased distribution throughput, improved material handling system utilization, and enhanced labor planning.

  • Real-time visibility to throughput, bottlenecks, and events
  • Direct management and optimization of picking sub-systems
  • Advanced, configurable optimization for order batching, release, picking, and replenishment
  • Workload balancing to maximize equipment utilization and flow
  • Automated order release based on service commitment, shipping schedules, and real-time condition monitoring
  • Use of simulation to plan, re-plan and allocate resources