FAB Buffing Wheels Eliminate Buffing Compound

April 9, 2020
Saint-Gobain's buffing wheels feature a patent-pending design that incorporates abrasive grains into the buffing wheel.

Norton FAB (Fixed Abrasive Buff) buffing wheels virtually eliminate the need to use buffing compound. Norton FAB wheels feature a patent-pending design that incorporates abrasive grains into the buffing wheel and consistently results in single-digit Ra values ranging from 1 to 5 Ra. The wheels are tear-resistant, waterproof, and durable, providing a significantly longer life than traditional cotton buffs.


Due to significantly decreasing the need for buffing compounds, Norton FAB wheels offer a more efficient, cleaner, and safer way of buffing. There is less cumbersome, time-consuming clean-up in buffing operations and post-clean-up processes. Without the requirements to purchase, apply, clean up, and dispose of large amounts of compound, costs are minimized. Also, less buffing compound improves worksite safety and reduces the environmental impact of compound disposal.


Norton FAB wheels have a silicon carbide abrasive which is uniformly dispersed and applied to both sides of the cloth, resulting in a more consistent buffing performance. Norton FAB wheels can be easily incorporated into robotic buffing applications.


Key applications for Norton FAB wheels include automatic or semi-automatic buffing, cut buffing, and mush buffing in a wide range of markets such as automotive, hardware, oil and gas, and more. The wheels are effective on hard alloys as well as soft metals such as aluminum and brass. Norton FAB Wheels are available in outer diameters from 5 to 22 in., in 12 or 16 ply (number of cloth layers of buff), 2 or 4 pack (waviness of the buff face), and various ID hole designs.