Compact Shifting Gripper

March 27, 2020
Bilsing Automation's feed gripper weighs less than 3 lb., enabling faster transfer movement speed with a max velocity of 22 SPM.

Aluminum feed grippers with extension capability for use in 2 and 3-axis transfer press lines as well as destacking applications, weigh only 2.27 lb., making them about 13 lbs. lighter than competitive products. This enables faster transfer movement speed with a max velocity of 22 SPM for improved productivity.


The grippers are able to shift/extend up to 100 mm, providing additional stabilization through the Z-axis movement to the part during press transfer. The central vacuum units for cup holding are integrated into the grippers for a compact design. Part picking is done from the top, so there is no additional space needed within the dies.


Designed for flexibility, the grippers work with the entire line of Bilsing vacuum cups and lightweight modular tooling, accommodating various applications simply by changing the cup.