Laser Rack Systems for Quantum Technology

March 11, 2020
TOPTICA's family of laser rack systems are conveniently and reliably operated, easily remotely controlled, and offer ultimate performance.

The T-RACK is a high quality, rugged, 19-in. cabinet with modular power entry unit, professional cable, and heat management that can house a multitude of different modules. All of these laser modules consist of a laser head with fiber-coupled optical output and are equipped with the renowned digital laser controller DLC pro. It provides local access via touch screen and completes remote control via Ethernet. The frequency comb is also completely remote-controlled from a single window. All laser light comes from single-mode polarization-maintaining fibers. The systems are conveniently and reliably operated, easily remotely controlled, and offer ultimate performance, previously only possible for operation in research-grade laboratories on optical tables.


The rack system has been designed from the ground up for high stability, ease of use and maximum versatility. All laser modules achieve the same ultimate performance as in TOPTICA’s established table-top systems: great passive stability, unique locking solutions, and narrow linewidth.


The broad product lines of tunable diode lasers and frequency combs are all offered in the new form factor. Available laser wavelengths are in the range from 330 nm to 1625 nm, some with output powers of several watts. Whatever your application demands, we will find the optimum combination of modules for your personal rack system. Adding new modules is simple.

  • Rack-mountable & rack-mounted diode laser and frequency comb modules
  • Fiber-coupled optical output of 330 to 1,625 nm
  • Convenient remote control
  • Complete solutions based on different subsystems including frequency stabilization
  • Quantum-technology-approved performance in an industrial footprint