Smart Hearing Solution

Nov. 9, 2019
Honeywell’s ear muffs combine cloud-based software protective headsets to monitor sound in real-time to better protect workers.

Honeywell’s VeriShield Smart Hearing Solution combines cloud-based software and connected, protective headsets to monitor sound in real-time and analyze patterns to help companies better protect workers.


The VeriShield Smart Hearing Solution comprises a protective headset that reduces background noise to safe levels within the headset, allowing workers to communicate more clearly and easily. The headsets continuously collect and transmit noise-related data to Honeywell Safety Suite, a cloud-based service that automates and streamlines the collection and reporting of critical safety intelligence. Supervisors and workers can monitor and view noise exposure data, including noise peaks, patterns, and unusual occurrences, on their smartphone or mobile computer using the Honeywell VeriShield mobile app.


Honeywell’s software allows a safety manager or plant operator to remotely monitor noise levels and worker exposure across multiple teams. The software also helps provide insights into noise exposure, enabling managers to view and log noise levels and patterns on a visual dashboard, and can automatically generate records that help companies meet compliance regulations and reduce timely administrative procedures.


The smart headsets helps provide workers with a hear-through function allowing them to hear critical conversations and alarms while being protected from unwanted noise. Additional protections include visual and audible alerts that notify workers when they are nearing and surpassing their daily dose limits. The headsets also include fit testing that will notify the user or safety manager if the device is not properly fitted or worn correctly.

  • Sound exposure monitoring with integrated noise exposure sensors (internal and external noise levels)
  • Passive noise attenuation
  • Over-exposure to noise is communicated by audio and visual alerts on the headset
  • Transfer of exposure data to the mobile app via Bluetooth LE
  • Connectivity to the VSHS data service and web app
  • Hear-through function also includes output level limiting
  • Integrated fit testing
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • Music connectivity to a phone via a wired 3.5mm jack