Rugged Industrial Storage Containers

Aug. 28, 2019
Customizable and long-lasting solutions with features that precisely meet customer needs.

A line of rugged industrial storage containers provides a long-lasting, economical alternative ideal for a wide range of heavy-duty storage applications. Built to last for up to 30 years, Steel King containers are a great choice for forging, sheet metal, steel parts, and ammunition storage, as well as storage of recycled materials, automotive parts before an assembly process, and all manner of work in process applications.


Available designs include round corner corrugated steel containers; heavy-duty rigid bulk storage containers; “workingtainers” that double space utilization by turning work areas into storage; a stow gate container that adapts easily to multiple configurations; as well as an exclusive Hold ’n Fold design that can be stored or staged ready for use on the production floor. This unique option provides three containers in the same space as one rigid container.