Restore Metal Finishes With Bright Dip

Sept. 26, 2019

Now there’s a better way to brighten brass, copper, bronze nickel and silver while protecting the metal from re-tarnishing.


Presto Bright Dip is easily applied at room temperature and can be used at 100% concentrate or diluted with tap water to make a bath of 10 to 50% by volume for immersion applications. Presto Bright Dip acts as a deoxidizer to the metal surface creating a brightener for the brass, copper and bronze substrate. The process is also engineered to minimize metal removal or loss.


Application is easy requiring part cleaning prior to use. Simply remove any soil, dirt or oil then rinse the metal prior to brushing or immersion of Presto® Bright Dip. Then a final rinse to achieve a “like-new” lustrous finish.


Presto®Bright Dip can be used directly from the container or can be contained in Tanks made of Polypropylene, PVC, PVC coated steel or other acid-proof material. Also, it may be used in conjunction with racks, baskets, barrels made from similar acid-proof materials.