Kenos KVG Versatile Vacuum Grippers

June 13, 2019

Kenos KVG series of vacuum grippers is extended to include the option of using suction cups instead of the technical foam pads offered as standard. The popular vacuum grippers can now be configured with suction cups from Piab’s flexible and durable suction cup series DURAFLEX BX as well as the generic Value Line series.


Using Piab’s proprietary air-driven multi-stage COAX technology to provide highly efficient vacuum generation, the Kenos KVG gripper series is designed to safely grip, lift and handle objects, with a focus on the packaging and furniture industries. Standard models use an easily replaceable technical foam pad that molds itself around objects to provide a strong grip regardless of shape or dimensions. FDA-approved foam pads are available, and the number of pitch holes and the thickness of the foam can be varied to suit different applications.


Piab’s Value Line suction cups offer good performance at a value price for standard/basic applications. Cups in flat-concave, bellows, and long-bellows shapes, and with long thin lips for good sealing on slightly corrugated surfaces, such as corrugated cardboard, are available globally with off-the-shelf deliveries.


The company’s DURAFLEX suction cups combine firm bellows with soft, flexible lips made from a specially developed material that features the elasticity of rubber and wear resistance of polyurethane, making them particularly suitable for uneven and porous surfaces.