The Real Facts About ERP Implementation

April 16, 2019
Mint Jutras/Ultra Consultants survey dispels often-quoted implementation failure rates; reflects the value modern ERP delivers.

In the “old days” of  ERP implementations, we heard a lot about outdated research related to ERP implementation success rates. They told a dismal story. Is this still the case?


Download the Mint Jutras “Real Facts About ERP Implementation,” the definitive report for anyone who needs to understand the rates of ERP implementation success and failure experienced by today’s manufacturing and distribution industry.


The Mint Jutras report provides eye-opening data that “flips the script” on previous surveys that in the past focused on outdated industry data. See results of how today’s manufacturers and distributors experience ERP implementation goals and expectations, whether or not they were achieved, and why.


The report findings show that previous statistics related to ERP implementation failure rates are out of date. Highlights of the study include:

  • The primary reasons for ERP implementation success have to do with people and process, not just software.
  • Key success factors include top management support and change management.
  • Reasons for lack of implementation success include inadequate business process re-engineering and inadequate project planning.
  • The study shows a significant number of manufacturing and distribution companies over-rate their success and leave additional attainable returns on the table.