Delphin ProfiSignal Web Software

Nov. 26, 2018

ProfiSignal Web Software package is a state-of-the-art application for measurement and monitoring that allows decentralized data acquisition, centralized data storage, and browser-based monitoring using a PC or mobile device. Whether for monitoring ongoing testing process, fault analysis, condition or temperature monitoring or energy monitoring, PS Web provides an easy-to-use solution for measurement and testing.


ProfiSignal Web allows the separation of the data source and the visualization. Data collection and pre-processing take place locally within a measurement device such as a Loggito Logger. Measurement data from one or multiple devices can be stored at a central location; in the device itself, in the cloud or on a server in a company intranet. The ProfiSignal Webserver software, installed at the destination, acts as a data manager to process data and make it ready for presentation. Transmission of data between the measurement device and the server can be chosen according to project needs using LAN, WLAN or mobile communications (3G/LTE).


ProfiSignal Web enables measurement data to be viewed on desktops, notebooks, tablets or smartphones using HTML5 which is platform-independent and requires no special client software installation. Data can be displayed in easy-to-read, individualized dashboards which users can create without the need for programming knowledge using an intuitive editor tool. The dashboard allows live and historical data to be shown in trend charts, analog meters, or digital readouts. Multiple dashboards allow individual views for different data sets, ProfiSignal Web also provides multiuser access with customizable user-based access rights.

  • HTML 5,  Browser Based Visualization
  • Centralized Data Storage
  • Easily Customizable
  • Trend Charts, Analog and Digital Displays, Buttons, Text Input
  • Supports Live and Historical Data
  • Multi-user with Individual Access Rights