tvLYT Portable Liquid Crystal Thermography Measurement

Oct. 29, 2018

tvLYT is a high-resolution liquid crystal thermography system that provides a cost-effective and portable solution for precision temperature measurement of electronics, circuit boards, micro-circuits, hybrid components, and integrated circuits. Use tvLYT to locate hot spots and defects, design and verify integrated circuits, and quickly and easily analyze the temperature gradient of devices and systems.


As temperature changes, thermographic liquid crystals (TLC) alter their reflected color when illuminated by a white light, enabling engineers to get a visual representation of the heat on the surface of a device or a printed circuit board (PCB). Using the thermVIEW Lite software and the calibration files, which can both be easily downloaded from the ATS website, tvLYT will give precise temperature readings based on the color changes of the TLC materials.


The system includes a high-performance solid-state, color macroscopic optic camera with a 16X digital zoom and manual focus. The field of view at a distance of 15 mm is 26 x 26 mm. At a distance of 48 mm, the field of view is 180 x 180 mm. A stable, flicker-free LED light hangs below the camera, attached by specially-designed brackets to an adjustable scissor arm, to provide the light source.


tvLYT comes in a light-weight, sturdy travel case, is easy to assemble, and offers a handy quick-start guide to assist engineers in attaching the camera to the scissor arm, which can be quickly attached to any laboratory bench or table. Also included in the kit are black ink, a brush, and two bottles of thermochromic liquid crystals (TLC) – one for a temperature range of 40 to 60°C and the other for the range of 80 to 90°C.

  • High performance, solid-state, color camera with macroscopic optic
  • Stable, flicker-free LED light source
  • USB Connection
  • Thermochromic Liquid Crystal (TLC) materials supplied in an easy to use kit
  • Windows-compatible image processing software system, thermVIEW Lite
  • Four calibrations will be performed at ATS free-of-charge for the first year.
  • Lifetime technical support
  • Manual Focus
  • Field of view at 15 mm distance: 26 x 26 mm
  • Field of view at 48 mm distance: 180 x 180 mm
  • Software capabilities to 200 mm by a factor of 16
  • Temperature accuracy to 1°C
  • Gooseneck for traversing camera support
  • LED lighting for high-intensity uniform illumination of the test specimen
  • A completely optical system based on visible light, independent of surface emissivity, as is required for infrared systems