Non-Contact Laser Monitoring

April 6, 2018
MKS Instruments' laser beam monitor measures key beam size, position, and quality parameters.

Ophir BeamWatch, the first non-contact beam monitoring system for very high power lasers, provides real-time beam measurements of lasers that are typically too powerful for direct readings. It measures the Rayleigh scatter of a substantial length of the beam all at once. As a result, there is no contact between the instrument and the beam, and the initial determination of focal spot size, beam waist location, divergence angles, and beam propagation ratios (M2) are easily and almost instantly obtained. Focal spot location can be measured several times per second and indicate if there is any focal spot shift during critical start-up moments. ISO 11146 compliance ensures the accuracy and reproducibility of all measurements.


BeamWatch is a compact, easy-to-use system that monitors high power YAG, fiber, and diode lasers in the 980-1080nm range. It charts all beam measurements over time in industrial material processing applications, such as welding and cutting operations in automotive, heavy equipment, and appliance manufacturing, or in oil and gas drilling. BeamWatch measures key beam size, position, and quality parameters, including focus spot size, waist width, and beam propagation parameter (M2). High magnification optics measure beams with spot sizes down to 55µm, allowing for smaller, more precise cuts with less waste of material. BeamWatch also supports dual axis measurement, which lets users see the laser beam from two orthogonal axes, providing detailed information about how the laser is operating. Focal shift can be tracked on both axes. System measurements can be used to determine the roundness of the beam or the presence of astigmatism.

  • Min-Max Focus Spot Size: 55µm - ~2.75 mm
  • Sensor Type: Silcon CCD Camera
  • Interface: GigE Ethernet
  • Power Range: ~1kW - >100kW
  • Recommended Wavelengths: 980-1080nm
  • Max Beam Diameter at Entrance/Exit: 12.5 mm